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Pothos (poth-ohs)

Updated: Feb 9, 2022

Golden Pothos

Plant family: Araceae

Plant genus: Epipremnum

Common names: Pothos, Devils Ivy, Ivy Arum, Ceylon creeper

Notable varieties: Golden, Marble Queen, Neon, Satin, Cebu Blue

These tropical plants are native to Southeastern Asia and can be found attached by their aerial roots, climbing along tree branches or along the forest floor. They are an evergreen vine that can grow upwards of 60 feet! The easiest way to identify these plants are by their varietal name as each type of Pothos has a distinct colour or variegation pattern. Jade Pothos, Neon Pothos, and Cebu Blue for example are named after their solid leaf coloring where as 'Marble Queen' will contain varying degrees of white.

Care: EASY! Even though these plants are native to tropical and subtropical climates, they can still thrive indoors making them one of the most popular house plants. Lower light and humidity are not a problem for a Pothos, and they will let you know they need a drink by wilting slightly. These are great beginner plants.

Light: These plants do best in bright, indirect light. They can tolerate lower light but will have slower growth. Keep these plants out of direct sunlight to avoid leaf burn or scorch.

** Take notes of your variegated types - the more variegation (white or yellow in the leaves) the more light they will require due to less chlorophyll in the plant (the part that turns sunlight into food for the plant).

Water: We find that typically every 1-2 weeks is sufficient, allowing soil to dry between waterings. These plants are quite vocal and will tell you when it’s time for a watering so watch for drooping leaves. *As always, watering will vary depending on your climate and time of year. Pets: Toxic to dogs and cats.

WHY WE LOVE IT ! With over a dozen varieties of Pothos to choose from, they are a fantastic house plant staple and loved by us at Floraworx. Not only do these plants grow very quickly, they are easy to propagate meaning more plants for you (or a friend) without breaking the bank!

Fun Fact: If you give the vines a way to grow upwards, you may notice that the leaves will become larger than those hanging down. Want to test the theory? Try stakes, moss poles, a trellis, or other creative ways of supporting them up a wall or bookcase.

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