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Bird's Nest Fern

Updated: Aug 28, 2022

Plant family: Aspleniaceae

Botanical name: Asplenium Nidus

Birds nest fern in pot
Birds Nest Fern

Common names: Spleenwart, Bird's Nest Fern, Nest Fern

Notable varieties: Standard, Variegated, Crispy Wave

Bird's Nest Ferns are epiphytic, meaning they can be found growing directly on other trees. These Ferns prefer to grow on palm trees in tropical climates such as Australia, Hawaii, East Africa, and Southeastern Asia. Bird's Nest Ferns come in a variety of different shapes and varying degrees of waves along their edges.

Crispy Wave Ferns (most commonly found) are narrow at the tip of the leaves and wavy throughout the entire leaf. Antiquum Ferns are similar to Crispy Wave, however the waves in the leaves are less obvious. Osaka Ferns have more narrow leaves, and the ripples are only along the edges of the leaf. Lastly, the Victoria Ferns are similar to the Osaka Ferns with ripples just along the edges, but the difference is the Victoria Ferns narrow as it reaches the tip of the plant.

Care: EASY! Even though these plants are native to tropical and subtropical climates, they can still thrive indoors with varying degrees of light and humidity.

Light: These plants do best in medium to bright, indirect light. They can tolerate lower light but will have slower growth. Keep these plants out of direct sunlight to avoid leaf burn. We suggest an East or North facing window for optimal growth.

Water: We find that typically every 1-2 weeks is sufficient, allowing top soil to dry between waterings. If you notice your leaves are pale or crispy, you need to up your watering. If you notice your leaves are turning yellow, you need to let your soil dry out more in between waterings. Avoid watering in the centre of the plant as water can collect in the rosettes and cause rot. Instead, water along the outside of the pot. *As always, watering will vary depending on your climate and time of year.

Pets: Not toxic to dogs and cats.

WHY WE LOVE IT ! Who can resist those wavy green leaves?!

Fun Fact: The name Bird's Nest Fern came from the unfurled leaves developing in the centre of the plant (called a rosette). They are curled up like little eggs sitting in a nest. Next time you see a Bird's Nest Fern, look down the centre of the plant and see if you think it looks like eggs in a nest.

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